Repair and Recalibration Services

Maximizing Accuracy and Performance for Flow Meters

At Daniel®, we understand the importance of precise measurement in your operations. That’s why our Repair and Recalibration Services are designed to ensure your turbine meters and other flow equipment maintain their accuracy over time, minimizing costly measurement errors. 

Liquid Turbine Meter Recalibration 

Ensure that your pre-installed turbine meters continue to perform accurately and consistently with our comprehensive recalibration service. Over time, wear, fluid characteristics, and environmental conditions can cause deviations in flow measurements. Daniel’s recalibration process restores your equipment to its original factory settings, ensuring compliance with industry standards. 

  • Inspection and Testing: Thorough examination for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage, followed by testing against known reference standards to evaluate performance deviations. 
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Removal of deposits and debris that may impair performance. Mechanical parts such as bearings and rotors are replaced if needed. 
  • Recalibration: Using specialized equipment, we recalibrate your meter for specific flow rates and fluid types, restoring it to factory or updated settings. 
  • Certification: Following recalibration, you receive a certification report detailing accuracy, compliance with industry standards, and the steps taken in the recalibration process. 
  • Post-Recalibration Testing: Meters are retested to ensure they meet the required specifications for optimal operation. 

Metering Equipment Audit 

Optimize the performance of your flow measurement system with a Daniel® metering audit. Whether newly installed or in service for years, our audit services provide detailed insights and actionable recommendations to improve accuracy and reduce costs. 

  • Meter Verification: Assessment of whether your metering equipment is performing within the necessary specifications. 
  • Measurement Accuracy: Tailored recommendations to improve the accuracy of your flow measurements. 
  • Best Practices: Guidance on how to reduce operating and maintenance costs. 
  • Detailed Reports: Comprehensive documentation of audit results for easy reference and decision-making. 

Measurement Uncertainty Analysis 

Daniel’s Measurement Uncertainty Analysis services help identify and mitigate the sources of uncertainty in your flow measurement system, safeguarding your operations and revenue. 

  • Uncertainty Mitigation: Proactive measures to minimize uncertainty before it impacts your business. 
  • Product Value: Protect your product’s value by ensuring that every volume is accurately measured and accounted for. 
  • Design Specifications Assessment: Certified specialists assess your equipment’s design and performance against industry standards. 
  • Recommendations: Clear steps to reduce measurement uncertainty and enhance operational accuracy. 

Remote Performance Verification and Diagnostics 

Leverage Daniel’s state-of-the-art satellite communication and diagnostic tools to keep your equipment running at peak performance, without the need for on-site visits. 

  • Immediate Support: Fast, reliable support when you need it most, reducing downtime. 
  • Remote Troubleshooting: Quickly resolve issues via electronic communication. 
  • Visual Assessment: Allows our experts to visually diagnose software or instrument problems, expediting the resolution process. 

Extended Warranty 

Protect your investment and ensure predictable operating costs with Daniel’s extended warranty plans. 

  • Warranty Expenses: Avoid unplanned repair costs with our comprehensive coverage. 
  • After-Market Parts: Receive timely replacement parts and repairs using factory-approved procedures. 
  • Performance Restoration: Restore equipment to original performance levels with recertification. 
  • Daniel® Expertise: Full access to OEM knowledge and expert support for the life of your equipment. 

Service Contracts and Agreements 

Take control of your maintenance needs with Daniel’s service agreements, offering cost-effective support for your metering system. 

  • Product Management: Lifecycle planning and management to optimize your assets. 
  • Product Details: Comprehensive asset management and data backup services. 
  • Emergency Response: Fast on-site support when emergencies arise. 
  • Remote Monitoring: Stay connected to your equipment’s performance with real-time monitoring.